THIS ONE IS FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA LOCALS but I wish (and hope) to reach more of you in the future. I’m thrilled to say that we’re having a parents’ discussion and workshop here in Hillsborough, NC on April 10, 2014. Please generic valtrex cost come, please bring a pal and by all means, please come back to the blog for more. Want to sign up? Register by calling the library: 919-245-2536. Here are the details:
Best Food And Drinks For A Hangover Cure
So, you got drunk last night? And now you are sporting the mother of all hangovers… While it may be tempting to do what you did in college, reach out for that stale pizza crust or reach for another drink as a typical hair of the dog cure. But after a point, these cures fail to work and will leave you feeling even worse – be it that pounding head or that achy body. Mistreating your body even more after a drinking binge pushes you toward health issues, especially if you do it one time too often. What you need to do is detoxify yourself with specific food for a hangover.
The Good News: Some Food Can Help Cure A Hangover
Mankind seems to have searched for a hangover cure since millennia, for now, likes to wake up with a head that feels as if it would fall off, a mouthful of cotton (or so it seems) and a whirly brain that cannot see, think or make your body walk right. It’s surprising to know that science is far from being able to explain why hangovers happen – but most scientists claim that it happens from a mix of dehydration and the fact that alcohol disrupts the body’s chemical balances in complex ways [1].
That said; it’s clear that the only way to prevent hangovers with a sure shot guarantee is to not drink in excess! In case you are reading this too late (aka have a gigantic hangover), never fear, for you can always eat some food for a hangover, to cure it faster…
Food For Hangover
While there is no guaranteed cure for hangovers, and even scientists are pretty much scratching their head over this, there are some foods for hangovers that can make you feel a whole lot better. So here are 15 foods for a hangover, ten of which can be used to cure the hangover and five sneaky ones that help you prevent that hangover in the first place.
Eat the preventive ones while you drink, especially if you know that this is going to be one crazy night out. And the other ten, you can make or prepare the night before so that you can have it as part of a hangover-curing breakfast, or brunch, depending on when you wake up. Check out the best patchmd hangover patch.
Food For Hangover: Preventing a Hangover
Salty Nuts All The Way

Healthy fats line your stomach making them the ideal food for hangover prevention since they prevent alcohol absorption and keep you that much protected from the effects of over-imbibing. Think almonds, walnuts, and avocados [2]. Here’s how you can make your own salted nuts.
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