CONFESSION: SOMETIMES I HIDE THE GOOD STUFF FROM MY KIDS. No, I don’t mean the chocolate. Because that’s OBVIOUS. My stash is in the freezer where I can get to it the moment nap time begins. No, I mean those delightful but expensive Kind bars. Usually I buy granola bars for the kids and I stick…
Homemade “LaraBars”
THESE HOMEMADE LARABARS couldn’t have come sooner. Eating less sugar is one of our family food goals this year. And while we’re usually pretty good at watching sweets I knew things might go off the rails over the holidays when three year old Estelle only wanted one thing for Christmas: a chocolate bear. Since our oldest is just five,…
How to Roast Baby Carrots: Prep these Maple-Glazed Baby Carrots in 2 Minutes!
Wondering what else you can do with that bag of baby carrots besides dunking in a bowl of Ranch dressing? One of my four kids’ favorite side dish starts with a bag of baby carrots and ends with tender, perfectly cooked roasted carrots. If you’ve got a few simple ingredients plus about two minutes, you…
Shortcut Swedish Meatballs: Ready in 30 Minutes
“IF YOU GUYS WILL TRY COUS COUS TONIGHT,” I heard myself bargaining, “I’ll make you pumpkin muffins for breakfast.” And with three nods we had a deal. I was desperate. I already had this delicious pot of Shortcut Swedish Meatballs simmering on the stove when I realized I’d need something to serve with them, something…
Slow Cooker Apple Butter (No Sugar Added)
HOMEMADE APPLE BUTTER IS one of those things Paul and I remember loving as kids. Both of our moms made it. In fact, apple butter has been shipped to our kids by two different grandmothers to two different countries, only to be devoured in one week flat. That’s because it’s delicious. But with four small kids, I…
Christmas Tree Grapes & Cheese Platter
IS THERE A KIDS’ HOLIDAY PARTY GOING ON near you? Our kindergartener’s class is hosting a holiday party at the end of the week. When our Room Parent emailed everyone asking about a healthy, low-sugar snack, this Christmas tree platter made of grapes and cheese immediately came to mind. Storing grapes properly is one of the important…
3 Dishes Your Baby, Toddler and the Rest of the Family Can All Eat
HERE WE GO. Baby Violet has started eating solid foods. That means we’re doing a whole new series on baby food but don’t worry, there will be lots of information for parents of older kids too. Like today’s post, which was inspired by a reader’s question on our Facebook page. “I have an almost-10-month-old little guy who…
Mini Pot Pies: Our Kids’ Favorite Way to Eat Leftovers
GOT LEFTOVERS? We may have four kids but they’re all so small (and tend to come with their own individual sets of likes and dislikes) that we always have a wee bit of dinner left. Not a lot, not enough to make a full meal out of, but too much to toss. Enter pie dough. Store-bought…
Let’s Make Mark Bittman’s Pasta with Chicken, Mushrooms, and Wine
Pasta with Chicken, Mushrooms, and Wine Excerpted with permission from HOW TO COOK EVERYTHING FAST Time: Faster (30 minutes or less) Makes: 4 to 6 servings Use red wine and this dish is hearty for the fall or winter; use white and it becomes lighter for spring or summer. You won’t go wrong either way….
Low-Sugar Cranberry Sauce Your Kids Will Gobble Up
“Can we make those cranberries again?” my five-year-old asked the other day. Noting this was a request for fruit (right?) rather than say, bunnie-shaped crackers, I dove right in. “Oh, the muffins?” I guessed remembering how many batches of these low-sugar cranberry oat muffins we made last year, totally congratulating myself on baking something so tasty…
Fried Cabbage with Crumbled Bacon, a Make at Nap Time Dinner
“THUMBS UP!” they all said. “To the bacon.” I made this dish for dinner last night and while all the kids (ages 2, 3 and 5) dutifully ate some cabbage, those forks seemed suspiciously bent on finding the bacon rather than full bites. And before you say, “duh!”, I say…give cabbage a try. Because it’s delicious. Fried…
easy-to-make owl crackers
MAKING DINNER WITH ANTSY KIDS UNDER FOOT is hard enough. But making Thanksgiving dinner with kids playing chase through the kitchen? That’s the kind of stress me and my pre-ordered, free-range, organic turkey just don’t need. What we need is wine a simple kid’s activity. If you’re looking for a keep ’em busy project that also doubles…
Mark Bittman’s Butternut Squash Soup with Apples and Bacon
This recipe is excerpted with permission from “How to Cook Everything Fast” by Mark Bittman. This soup has it all: It’s sweet, colorful, and creamy and even features the smoky crunch of bacon on top. The most time-consuming thing about preparing squash is peeling and seeding it. INGREDIENTS 8 slices bacon 1 medium butternut squash…
simple sweet potato walnut muffins
When it comes to sweet potato recipes for kids, these muffins are elbowing their way to the top for two reasons: You don’t have to bake the sweet potatoes ahead of time, and they’re full of protein-rich nuts. Easy and nutritious? Two of my favorite things. Throw in a specially shaped pan and how can…
even easier maple roasted acorn squash
I ONCE POSTED ABOUT ROASTED ACORN SQUASH and how my four-year-old declared it “the best in the whole wide world.” Awesome yes, but at the time the other two rascals wouldn’t even try it. Well I have good news. Not only do all of them devour squash now but they say things like this. “I don’t…
how to make our “green goblin” soup
WISH YOUR KIDS WOULD TRY A BITE OF SOMETHING, ANYTHING, GREEN? Here’s a great tip I learned from another mom recently, change what you call it. Instead of my usual, “Ki-ids, I made you some healthy spinach soup!”, then listening for the sound of toys instantly hitting the floor followed by tiny feet pattering to the…
spider sandwiches
IN KEEPING WITH OUR EASY HALLOWEEN FOOD IDEAS theme, today’s spider sandwich is so simple and surprisingly sturdy that they make great snacks or lunches on the go. I know this because George, my two-year-old, reached up and grabbed the container ours were stored in no less than five times before we got out the…
how to make green grape caterpillars
THESE CREEPY CRAWLY CATERPILLARS aren’t just a healthy Halloween treat, they’re also great for parties or lunch boxes any time of the year. I think I know three little people who are going to squeal when they see these on the table at snack time today… WHAT YOU NEED: Extra long toothpicks (I got mine…
Slow Cooker Potato Soup with Cheddar Cheese & Bacon
IT’S SOUP SEASON! With brisk evenings coming closer, days getting shorter and still not a full night’s sleep in sight, this new mom thought it was time to give my ol’ slow cooker another try. Inspired by 100 Days of Real Cooking, we made our own version of a thick and rich soup that our kids actually loved….
super simple tangerine pudding cups
THIS SUPER SIMPLE HALLOWEEN IDEA can be made in minutes. We did a step-by-step tutorial for these pumpkins on eHow (plus two of our other popular Halloween foods for kids: string cheese witches brooms and spooky spider eggs.) The main ingredients are simple: pudding (we used chocolate and here’s delicious looking homemade recipe but you could…