I WAS ON MY OWN for dinner the other night with the kids, so I knew it had to be good. Wary of my two-highchairs-to-one-adult ratio, this wasn’t the time to experiment with exotic flavors. In times like these (or when I’m so tired that I might tip over, not unlike a giant Weeble Wobble…
Easy roasted asparagus
IF ONLY EVERY DISH WAS SO EASY. To prepare roasted asparagus, you need a baking pan, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and asparagus. Balsamic vinegar is optional, a hot oven is not.
Bacon-wrapped pork roast with mustard sauce
IT’S EASY TO BE JEALOUS OF GIADA. After growing up in a famous family, Giada De Laurentiis is now an acclaimed cookbook author, Today show contributor and Food Network star. She’s also gorgeous, happily married and mother to an adorable mini-me named Jade. And let’s not forget the biggest kicker of all: she’s a wonderful…
Recipe Makeover: Jamie Oliver’s 30-minute scalloped potatoes with onions
My version of Jamie Oliver’s scalloped potatoes with onions is one of our family’s favorite side dishes. One we almost didn’t know about it. I made a discovery. Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals has been on one of our 900 Italian cable channels for quite some time but always dubbed, in Italian. I’d sort of given…
Turkey sausage meatballs and easy pasta with peas
WE’VE JUST RETURNED FROM A THREE-WEEK TRIP to the US where we plan to relocate at the end of 2012. North Carolina looks like our future destination but first all things related to jobs, houses, schools and the other million details that make a life must align. (Wish us luck!) In the meantime, I’ve stocked…
baked mac & cheese…with carrots!
THIS IS IT, MY NEW FAVORITE RECIPE for mac and cheese. I’ve mentioned Melissa Clark’s Carroty Macaroni & Cheese before, but before this week’s “carrot retrospective”/insane challenge to get our girls eating more of the orange stuff, I hadn’t actually tried it. Two main ingredients are hard to come by in Rome, cheddar cheese and…
Healthy chocolate pudding: no-cook chocolate pudding with banana and avocado
PRETTY GOOD! Not as rich as real pudding. But you don’t cook it, so this dish earns points for simplicity–and healthy ingredients. Nary a grain of sugar but packed with Omega-3s and potassium (plus a shot of agave for sweetness), even the bitter unsweetened chocolate is a nutritional boost. Since my kids don’t know about…
carrot cake muffins with cream cheese filling
THESE ARE DELICIOUS. I could probably end this post here but I’ll go on at least long enough to share the super simple — and healthy — recipe. It was inspired by a comment from my friend and most loyal Foodlets reader, Lori, who substituted carrots for zucchini in a muffin-baking pinch. Whether orange or…
Roasted Brussels sprouts
IF PHOEBE WALKED IN AND SAID, “Mama, I’m feeling really beat. I’m sorry for being cranky lately and think I should go to bed a little early tonight”, I couldn’t be more surprised than I was when she specifically ASKED for Brussels sprouts then actually ate them. The fact that Estelle also ate more of…
Pizza with asparagus, ricotta and lemon
NOTHING SAYS SPRING IS HERE LIKE the arrival of asparagus. And it’s delicious, so I’m in. Actually the little guys did pretty well with the asparagus pizza. They each ate a piece or so, and in this house, that’s a win. (Plus Phoebe loved helping make this simple dish.) Mixed with creamy ricotta full of…
Fresh strawberry muffins
“YAY, THESE ARE GIANT MUFFINS!” That’s the refrain from the breakfast table in Rome these days. This weekend Phoebe and I remade a recipe from the Oprah magazine, for baked strawberry-buttermilk doughnuts. Our version is also baked, also full of strawberries but served in the shape of flowers.
Stovetop broccoli & chicken with rice
THIS WAS DOOMED FROM THE START. Prominently featuring rice, as seen in the current What Doesn’t Work Now list, it never stood a chance. But be that as it may, I’m a glutton for punishment committed to presenting a variety of food, including things they don’t like. Or think they don’t like. (Ironic that “Green…
mini chicken pot pies with flowers & star crusts
I MADE THESE POT PIES TWICE RECENTLY, once big (for the family) and once small (for each person). The second time I used leftovers from Gwyneth Paltrow’s delicious Rotisserie Style Roast Chicken. Estelle LOVED it. Phoebe was sick. Paul liked them both though he did say that more crust on the bigger version was better….
low-sugar chocolate covered banana cake pops for estelle’s first birthday
SHE’S ALREADY ONE! And to celebrate Estelle’s first big day with friends, we made cake pops. But not just any cake pops. These started with a healthier version of David Lebovitz’s amazing banana cake, in honor of Estelle’s favorite fruit, then we dip, dip, dipped our way to chocolate covered bliss.
Sauteed carrots with citrus butter
I’M NOT GOING TO LIE. The kids don’t like carrots and these are no exception. But because I’m crazy determined to keep offering healthy foods in various ways, over and over until their tastes come around, this is another idea. The good news is, Paul and I think they’re delicious.
Beef & cheese quesadillas (with a secret good-for-you ingredient)
GRATE EVERYTHING, I say. That’s my philosophy for “Taco Night”, which has actually become quesadilla night–the one that’s easier to eat and less likely to fall on the floor wins in my house. And since our ethnic food offerings are spare in Rome, to say the least, these flour tortillas are much easier to find…
Sweet potato spice muffins
THESE MUFFINS ARE LIKE the Energizer Bunny…they just keep going. No matter what I put in them. And we have the recently-much-discussed Paula Deen to thank for it.
Mashed potatoes with pork gravy
OLD SCHOOL AND PERFECT for cold weather, I made a variation of Shepard’s pie this week with steamed broccoli on the side. I also learned something in the process: toddlers are excellent at mashing potatoes. Destroying something with no regard for making a mess along the way? Why didn’t I think of this earlier?
Low-sugar banana cake, a David Lebovitz recipe makeover
THE ORIGINAL VERSION, Banana Cake with Mocha Frosting and Salted Candy Peanuts, looks so amazing that I was tempted to bake the whole thing twice. And I still might. But for now, behold the oatmealy goodness that is the kiddy version of David Lebovitz’s prize-winning banana cake. (And you’d better do it quick because it’s…
Better-for-you Valentine’s Day cupcakes from a mix (chickpea variation)
YOU DON’T EAT THEM EVERY DAY so why mess with a good thing? Because in our house we’re dealing with babies. And toddlers. And neither one is a pretty sight in the company of too much sugar. Actually, Estelle hasn’t really had sugar yet and Phoebe talks a good game but after a few bites…