Wondering what else you can do with that bag of baby carrots besides dunking in a bowl of Ranch dressing? One of my four kids’ favorite side dish starts with a bag of baby carrots and ends with tender, perfectly cooked roasted carrots. If you’ve got a few simple ingredients plus about two minutes, you…
15 Foods I Stopped Buying When I Started Reading Labels
IT SOUNDS SO LAME. Reading labels in the grocery store. Who has the time? From the moment you lift the rascals into that race car shopping cart you’ve got about 10 minutes to whiz through the store before it gets ugly. You know time’s up as you question whether you REALLY need deodorant when it’s all the way on the…
Foodlets’ Top 10 Posts of 2014
CRASH, BANG, ZZZZ. There it is. The sound of success. We broke the internet this year, you and me. I mean, it was no Kardashian bum (and really, what is?), but thanks to you, our food bank post went certifiably viral. I always wondered what would really hit a nerve (and certainly worried that nothing…
Shortcut Swedish Meatballs: Ready in 30 Minutes
“IF YOU GUYS WILL TRY COUS COUS TONIGHT,” I heard myself bargaining, “I’ll make you pumpkin muffins for breakfast.” And with three nods we had a deal. I was desperate. I already had this delicious pot of Shortcut Swedish Meatballs simmering on the stove when I realized I’d need something to serve with them, something…
Slow Cooker Apple Butter (No Sugar Added)
HOMEMADE APPLE BUTTER IS one of those things Paul and I remember loving as kids. Both of our moms made it. In fact, apple butter has been shipped to our kids by two different grandmothers to two different countries, only to be devoured in one week flat. That’s because it’s delicious. But with four small kids, I…
Christmas Tree Grapes & Cheese Platter
IS THERE A KIDS’ HOLIDAY PARTY GOING ON near you? Our kindergartener’s class is hosting a holiday party at the end of the week. When our Room Parent emailed everyone asking about a healthy, low-sugar snack, this Christmas tree platter made of grapes and cheese immediately came to mind. Storing grapes properly is one of the important…
3 Dishes Your Baby, Toddler and the Rest of the Family Can All Eat
HERE WE GO. Baby Violet has started eating solid foods. That means we’re doing a whole new series on baby food but don’t worry, there will be lots of information for parents of older kids too. Like today’s post, which was inspired by a reader’s question on our Facebook page. “I have an almost-10-month-old little guy who…
Mini Pot Pies: Our Kids’ Favorite Way to Eat Leftovers
GOT LEFTOVERS? We may have four kids but they’re all so small (and tend to come with their own individual sets of likes and dislikes) that we always have a wee bit of dinner left. Not a lot, not enough to make a full meal out of, but too much to toss. Enter pie dough. Store-bought…
Let’s Make Mark Bittman’s Pasta with Chicken, Mushrooms, and Wine
Pasta with Chicken, Mushrooms, and Wine Excerpted with permission from HOW TO COOK EVERYTHING FAST Time: Faster (30 minutes or less) Makes: 4 to 6 servings Use red wine and this dish is hearty for the fall or winter; use white and it becomes lighter for spring or summer. You won’t go wrong either way….
Experts Say Kids Aren’t Getting Enough of 4 Most Important Nutritients
WITH SMALL KIDS IT CAN BE SUCH A STRUGGLE just to get them eating that sometimes nutrition gets lost in a kaleidoscope of organic cracker crumbs and leaky sippy cups. But flipping through the newest issue of Parent & Child magazine last night, this quote caught my eye. Lynn Brann, Ph.D. assistant professor of nutrition(Eiyo Nutrition)…