WISH YOUR KIDS WOULD TRY A BITE OF SOMETHING, ANYTHING, GREEN? Here’s a great tip I learned from another mom recently, change what you call it. Instead of my usual, “Ki-ids, I made you some healthy spinach soup!”, then listening for the sound of toys instantly hitting the floor followed by tiny feet pattering to the…
food is love. pass it on.
SOMETHING EXCITING IS HAPPENING. A young pastor at our church asked me a question this Sunday. I say “young” because he’s the kind of guy who I used to think was, you know, just a guy. About my age. Then he said something like, “Awesome!” with just a little more pep than I expected…
spider sandwiches
IN KEEPING WITH OUR EASY HALLOWEEN FOOD IDEAS theme, today’s spider sandwich is so simple and surprisingly sturdy that they make great snacks or lunches on the go. I know this because George, my two-year-old, reached up and grabbed the container ours were stored in no less than five times before we got out the…
how to make green grape caterpillars
THESE CREEPY CRAWLY CATERPILLARS aren’t just a healthy Halloween treat, they’re also great for parties or lunch boxes any time of the year. I think I know three little people who are going to squeal when they see these on the table at snack time today… WHAT YOU NEED: Extra long toothpicks (I got mine…
Slow Cooker Potato Soup with Cheddar Cheese & Bacon
IT’S SOUP SEASON! With brisk evenings coming closer, days getting shorter and still not a full night’s sleep in sight, this new mom thought it was time to give my ol’ slow cooker another try. Inspired by 100 Days of Real Cooking, we made our own version of a thick and rich soup that our kids actually loved….
super simple tangerine pudding cups
THIS SUPER SIMPLE HALLOWEEN IDEA can be made in minutes. We did a step-by-step tutorial for these pumpkins on eHow (plus two of our other popular Halloween foods for kids: string cheese witches brooms and spooky spider eggs.) The main ingredients are simple: pudding (we used chocolate and here’s delicious looking homemade recipe but you could…
Grilled Chicken, Peanut Ginger Stir-Fry
GOT LEFTOVER CHICKEN? Looking for ways to make cooking dinner easier (an endless pursuit around here)? We grilled up half a batch of chicken earlier in the week and saved this part for another dinner tonight as part of our 2-in-1 Dinners series. We’re cooking once, eating twice. I always eat leftovers for lunch but otherwise my…
2 Dinners in 1: Grilled Chicken Becomes Creamy Lemon Pasta and Peanut Ginger Stir-Fry
MAKING DINNER EVERY NIGHT ISN’T EASY. This, we know. One of my favorite new techniques for getting food on the table is actually cooking less. Yep. By cooking one base I can make at least two meals. We’ve done it with ground beef, rice and tomatoes in Stuffed Red Peppers, which later became the base…
want kids to eat more veggies? try a 3-dip taste test
SOME KIDS LOVE EATING VEGETABLES. And, this may totally surprise you, some don’t. But almost all kids love condiments. Sweet, salty, gooey? Check, check and check! For a fast vegetable dish or a nutritious snack, I set out a bunch of organic baby carrots plus three “dipping sauces”. These can be anything. From hummus (homemade or from…
Simple Seafood, a recipe excerpt from “100 Days of Real Food”
{Excerpted with permission from “100 Days of Real Food” by Lisa Leake} One great thing about having fish for dinner is that it doesn’t take long at all to cook. Served with a couple easy side dishes (such as roasted veggies, a salad, and/ or baked potatoes), this dish could quickly be whipped up…