FOR KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN ITALY, these three are pretty jazzed about celebrating the 4th of July. Actually, they’re mostly excited about these little star shaped cheeses (thanks, veggie cutters!). Fireworks and parades? Our kids have no idea those are part of the package, yet. But boy I sure do.I still get a little…
baked scrambled eggs
EGGS + MILK + HAM + ONE BUG PAN = a whole morning of fun. Since the sun has come out, we’ve started eating breakfast outside on the patio and these little buggy egg cups fit right in. It’s essentially a mini omelette. Just beat some eggs, pour in a bit of milk plus any…
15-minute cheesy pasta with chicken & spinach
THIS PASTA DISH IS A 3-BOWLER. At least it was for Phoebe, our 5-year-old. Okay, okay. I admit it. I also found myself eating at least another helping, standing next to the sink while I pretended to “clean the kitchen” after dinner. It’s just that kind of pasta dish. And there’s even better news: the recipe is…
homemade blackberry creamsicle ice pops
NOPE. There’s no sugar in these babies. Just milk, yogurt, a dash of maple syrup and fresh blackberries–though you could use any fruit you (and more importantly, the kids) like. With summertime in full swing around here (read: 90 degree days) homemade ice pops hit the spot. That’s good news because thanks to help from…
how to make mini marshmallow flowers
SHHH. There’s a very small person sleeping right next to me, which is the only reason I’m able to post today’s cupcake recipe and how to make mini marshmallow flowers tutorial. That, and even on Father’s Day, my brave husband has taken all three of our “bigger” kids out to breakfast and to church. Alone….
Welcome Violet Agnes Mathews
SHE’S HERE! We’re so thrilled. And a little tired. Our fourth Foodlet has arrived and while I haven’t been in the kitchen for the last week — thanks to two grandmas and our entire church community — I’m so happy to introduce you to Violet. Look for more kid-friendly recipes, more ideas and more tales…
4th of july fruit skewer flag cake
I CAN’T DECIDE WHAT I LIKE BEST ABOUT THIS FLAG. It’s 100 percent fresh fruit. It’s easy to make. It’s a festive snack for the 4th of July. There could be other reasons too but because I get up twice every night now, my brain can only come up with these three. For this version you need…
3 simple frozen treats your kids will love
IT’S 90 DEGREES IN NORTH CAROLINA TODAY–that’s 99 degrees in pregnant lady temperatures. With my due date for baby #4 officially a day behind me and my stomach WAY out in front of me, I can think of no better reason to share a few of my favorite popsicle recipes for kids. Each is low…
We know kids eat too much junk, so why aren’t more of us “Fed Up”?
How much sugar do your kids eat? And does that question make you want to hit the back button immediately? It’s such a prickly subject. I’m a family food blogger and I still feel defensive just thinking about it, like my crazy button has been punched with a big, judgy finger. But this question, accusatory as it…
fresh, fruity summer porridge, a recipe from “The Family Cooks”
Summer porridge? It may sound like an oxymoron, but this hearty mix of raw oats, yogurt, and fresh fruit is cool and tangy. Spoon it into pretty glasses or mason jars, pop them into the fridge, and let chill overnight so the oats soften and all the flavors get to know each other. The next…