A muffin is a tiny cake! And sometimes not so tiny. Cake for breakfast? No wonder kids like muffins! Pssst, parents! Although these are treats, they use whole-grain flour, fruit, and unrefined sugar. And cinnamon is a trickster spice that makes sweets taste sweeter. Reprinted from “The Family Cooks” by Laurie David. Copyright (c)…
5 kid-friendly ways to cook with chia seeds
WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT CHIA SEEDS? A lot! At least Dr. Oz says so. “The nutritional benefits of chia include fiber, omega fatty acids, calcium, antioxidants and much more – even protein!” I like that you don’t need many seeds to add a punch of nutrition to an already successful dish (why mess with a good…
moroccan couscous made kid-friendly
REMEMBER WHEN YOU USED TO EAT ETHNIC FOOD? If you haven’t had a zesty international flavor from somewhere other than Taco Bell since before the kids were born, this one’s for you. I actually love Moroccan food but wondered how all those unfamiliar spices and unexpected ingredients would go over with my three knee-highs. So we…
Cook, Clean Food Off Floor, Repeat
There are few things more grueling than the day-in-day-out demands of feeding kids. Actually picking up the phone instead of emailing someone? Merely annoying. Laundry? Never-ending but at least it stays in polite piles until I can get to it. This rigorous routine of three meals a day plus snacks has nearly pushed me over…
low-sugar muffins with berries & ricotta cheese, a Food 52 Makeover
MOTHER’S DAY IS A TRICKY ONE. At least for me. I know the customary “gift” is something along the lines of breakfast in bed, but the only time I’ve eaten breakfast on a tray since becoming a mom has been inside a hospital, right after giving birth. Otherwise it’s off to the races starting around dawn ever since….
fruit flavored water: how to get the kids off juice
IF YOUR KIDS ARE HOOKED ON THE SWEET STUFF, this may be a good substitute. It’s simple, tasty and best of all, a smart solution for weaning even the biggest juice fans off it for good. What’s wrong with juice? It’s just so full of sugar, basically the equivalent of soda, which is obviously not great…
perfectly flavored london broil (aka, meat your kids will eat!)
THE OTHER DAY I MADE CHICKEN CUTLETS for dinner and when I saw my four-year-old dunking each bite in her water glass, I had to ask… “This makes it softer on my teeth,” she told me. Note to self: Don’t overcook the chicken. My three small kids aren’t always the biggest meat fans but when it’s…
Very Pickly Egg Salad
I NEVER LIKED EGG SALAD GROWING UP. But our kids totally love it, especially this way. Inexpensive, simple and even considered “brain food“, I’m happy to whip up a batch of egg salad once every couple of weeks. Our favorite ways to serve these sandwiches are simply on whole wheat bread, cut into quarters or…
Kid-Friendly Ways to Cook with Quinoa
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coconut pineapple mini-muffins, a Serious Eats recipe makeover
WE’VE BEEN MAKING A LOT OF LUNCHES around here. Foodlets Friday Lunch is a teeny, tiny pilot program that we started this spring. Every Friday I make lunch for the kids at Phoebe’s preschool and parents who are keen to buy one simply cover the costs. It’s not catering, not yet, but I hope it…