WE’VE BEEN MAKING THIS HEALTHY CHOCOLATE ZUCCHINI CAKE (and chocolate zucchini muffins) every week. Each time I pluck a couple of zucchini from our garden, they’re shredded and bound for batter. The recipe is easy, delicious and packed with veggies, which is more than you can say for most cakes, right? It’s a riff on the…
flourless black bean chocolate cake. yep. We
I HAVE A LIST OF TOP 5 FOODS. In fact, on one of our first dates, I asked Paul about his. With a sort of deer-in-the-headlights look, he shrugged and explained that he didn’t have such a list (he politely left out saying anything like “because I’m not 9”). No matter. Mine, I announced, were:…
carrot cake muffins with cream cheese filling
THESE ARE DELICIOUS. I could probably end this post here but I’ll go on at least long enough to share the super simple — and healthy — recipe. It was inspired by a comment from my friend and most loyal Foodlets reader, Lori, who substituted carrots for zucchini in a muffin-baking pinch. Whether orange or…