Did you know that popsicles were invented in the 1920’s? But to this day, it’s one of most versatile snacks that any kid would love to have. By now you know I’ll whip up homemade popsicles out of anything–and the kids will eat it with the biggest, drippiest smiles you’ve ever seen.Spinach? Yep. Lemonade? Of…
Endive kiwi salad, a recipe inspired by “French Kids Eat Everything”
LIKE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY, we can thank the French for this one. Karen Le Billon, inspiring writer and author of my new fantasy lifestyle manual favorite book “French Kids Eat Everything“, introduced this endive kiwi salad to our household. And hold on to your hats because the kids ate it. Salad. One toddler, one preschooler, eating…