IT’S EASY TO IMPRESS THE RASCALS. And if you have an extra 15 seconds, you too can ta da your way to the cutest little meal with these strawberry hearts.
It’s already time for Florida strawberries here in North Carolina but I’m betting you can get your hands on a few California beauties just about anywhere. And while I love organic produce, especially stuff on the Dirty Dozen list, but there weren’t any organic strawberries available today. Besides, these strawberries were on sale. And since ANY fruit is better than no fruit, that’s the end of that.
Also, this is not hard.
I love cute but alas, cannot do tedious. That’s why these hearts are awesome. Mother Nature has done half the work. Here’s how you do the rest.
Pick a berry with lots of red at the top.
Gather the green tips up and cut out the stem, going in a deep V-shape. Try to keep the cut narrow and equal on both sides. The heart is almost there. It’s jagged, but it’s there.
Now trim the top edges off.
And maybe a bit off the sides, as needed.
Ta da!
We put ours on top of cottage cheese. And toast. And cereal.
You can also slice it again to end up with at least 4 hearts per berry. Not bad for half a minute’s work.
Yay, Rob! You are right. They are pretty darn sweet, in every way.