This is the creamiest, richest, most melt-in-your-mouth chocolate buttercream frosting you may ever have. And guess what, there’s no white sugar involved. Only honey. In fact there are only 4 ingredients. If you don’t count the tractors. All you need for this simple chocolate buttercream frosting is: vanilla cocoa powder honey butter For this particular birthday…
Healthy Party Food for Kids: DIY Raw Veggie Cups
Party food for kids needs to be festive. Fun! Colorful! Fresh! And with any shred of hope, simple. Nothing says “Happy Birthday” like getting so stressed out about entertaining a group of kids that I’m shrieking at my own offspring all morning long. Enter veggie cups. We discovered kid-friendly raw veggies served in cups with a dollop of Ranch dressing…
Low-Sugar Hummingbird Cake
It’s already been a year! We celebrated Violet Agnes’ first birthday in exactly the way you’d expect. With balloons, grandma visiting from the West coast and of course, a low-sugar birthday cake. This one is our version of a “hummingbird cake”, which Wikipedia calls “a banana pineapple spice cake common in the Southern United States”. My mom…
Spinach & Pineapple Popsicles, Really!
Looking for simple, kid-friendly spinach recipes? Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat, which makes it a habit I want our kids to grow up with. Our garden must have got the memo because it’s gone crazy with spinach this year.So far I’ve made Sauteed Spinach with Garlic, Green Eggs &…
blueberry smoothies with a superfood surprise
Frozen blueberries are an ingredient I make sure to never run out of. Honestly, there is usually a pile of bags taking up most of the space in my freezer. This is because in my weekly grocery shopping blitz, the one where I spend 20 minutes trying to throw everything I need into the cart before…
how to make little fish cupcakes
We’ve had our eyes on these little fish cupcakes for a while. Cute, right? Our version of little fish cupcakes is very similar, except we skipped the special eyes and just went with M&Ms. I’ll show you how we did it right here. These are the big finish for our pool party food drive birthday party…
3-Ingredient Strawberry-Peanut Butter Wraps
The idea for these easy strawberry-peanut butter wraps came from a new cookbook I’ve already grown to love,“Real Baby Food: Easy All-Natural Recipes for Your Baby & Toddler”. We’ve devoured had these several times and when I say “we” I mean all the kids, even baby Violet, and me. And we can’t wait to have…
How to Make a Pasta Salad Turtle: The Potluck Dish of Your Kids’ Dreams
Even though it’s been a while, moving back to America from Italy has meant many big changes. English. Big cars. And potlucks. So many potlucks. Church potlucks, school potlucks, people who get mail potlucks (you’re coming, right?). We have another one coming up in a couple of weeks and I have to confess something: I…
Saucy Meatball Sliders from “Real Baby Food”
I love mini food for kids. It’s easy for them to handle and the portion sizes are perfect. But there’s something I like even more than mini food, versatile food. Meatballs can be served straight-up, in pasta or on small buns as sliders. Like these! Whole wheat dinner rolls make the excellent “buns” and bonus, you…
10 Dinner Leftovers that Make Great Kids’ Lunches
I know, where was this post 8 months ago? Dinner leftovers that make great kids’ lunches is the kind of information that would’ve been useful…earlier. These so-simple lunch ideas for kids will get us through the remaining weeks of school and don’t worry. Kids will still want lunch again in September, or August when our school begins…