Sometimes I ask you guys what, if anything, I can give more of here at Foodlets. What would be useful? Lots of you have recently mentioned grain-free recipes and while several of our dishes here are certainly grain or gluten-free (vegetables, for example) it’s not an area of focus for me. That’s why I’m…
Our Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Menu Plus Activities and Snacks
IT’S OUR FIRST THANKSGIVING AS A FAMILY OF SIX. And since our brood now includes four kids under the age of six (including one under six months), we’ve got a game plan for Thursday. And two grandparents in town to help. Here’s what’s in store: WEDNESDAY Pick up and prep the turkey. We’ll be brining…
Low-Sugar Cranberry Sauce Your Kids Will Gobble Up
“Can we make those cranberries again?” my five-year-old asked the other day. Noting this was a request for fruit (right?) rather than say, bunnie-shaped crackers, I dove right in. “Oh, the muffins?” I guessed remembering how many batches of these low-sugar cranberry oat muffins we made last year, totally congratulating myself on baking something so tasty…
Fried Cabbage with Crumbled Bacon, a Make at Nap Time Dinner
“THUMBS UP!” they all said. “To the bacon.” I made this dish for dinner last night and while all the kids (ages 2, 3 and 5) dutifully ate some cabbage, those forks seemed suspiciously bent on finding the bacon rather than full bites. And before you say, “duh!”, I say…give cabbage a try. Because it’s delicious. Fried…
What Food Banks Need Most (And What They Can’t Use)
Food banks can make the most out of cash donations but if you want to donate food, this is what food banks across the country need most: WHAT FOOD BANKS NEED MOST (Updated 2020) Soups, especially hearty meals like chili or stew Canned meat: chicken, tuna, ham, Vienna sausages Canned vegetables: potatoes, collard greens, beans,…
easy-to-make owl crackers
MAKING DINNER WITH ANTSY KIDS UNDER FOOT is hard enough. But making Thanksgiving dinner with kids playing chase through the kitchen? That’s the kind of stress me and my pre-ordered, free-range, organic turkey just don’t need. What we need is wine a simple kid’s activity. If you’re looking for a keep ’em busy project that also doubles…
Mark Bittman’s Butternut Squash Soup with Apples and Bacon
This recipe is excerpted with permission from “How to Cook Everything Fast” by Mark Bittman. This soup has it all: It’s sweet, colorful, and creamy and even features the smoky crunch of bacon on top. The most time-consuming thing about preparing squash is peeling and seeding it. INGREDIENTS 8 slices bacon 1 medium butternut squash…
how I cook dinner, every single night: 10 tips for getting it done faster, easier and kid-friendly too
YOU KNOW HOW THE KIDS WANT DINNER EVERY NIGHT? This relentless demand is actually one of the things that TERRIFIED me before becoming a parent. In my NYC single days I often ate a PB&J or cereal for dinner. You know, with a bowl of ice cream later on. Perhaps in front of the TV. Sure, I…
simple sweet potato walnut muffins
When it comes to sweet potato recipes for kids, these muffins are elbowing their way to the top for two reasons: You don’t have to bake the sweet potatoes ahead of time, and they’re full of protein-rich nuts. Easy and nutritious? Two of my favorite things. Throw in a specially shaped pan and how can…
even easier maple roasted acorn squash
I ONCE POSTED ABOUT ROASTED ACORN SQUASH and how my four-year-old declared it “the best in the whole wide world.” Awesome yes, but at the time the other two rascals wouldn’t even try it. Well I have good news. Not only do all of them devour squash now but they say things like this. “I don’t…