FOR PAUL’S BIRTHDAY I made a decadent dessert inspired by Dorie Greenspan’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte. But because I didn’t have quite everything on her shopping list available in Italy, I adapted it to suit my supermarket. The result was delicious and if I wasn’t trying to transform myself from a formerly pregnant person into…
Apple cake pops for Teacher Appreciation Day
TALK ABOUT MAKING FOOD FUN! My friend Amber emailed these amazing cake pops that she made for Teacher Appreciation Day. Besides being so cute I can hardly stand it, they’re filled with…OREO truffles.
low-sugar chocolate covered banana cake pops for estelle’s first birthday
SHE’S ALREADY ONE! And to celebrate Estelle’s first big day with friends, we made cake pops. But not just any cake pops. These started with a healthier version of David Lebovitz’s amazing banana cake, in honor of Estelle’s favorite fruit, then we dip, dip, dipped our way to chocolate covered bliss.