WHEN IT COMES TO CUTE FOOD SOMETIMES PARENTS GRUMBLE, “But then they’ll ask for something special every day!” I imagine my brood like little emperors reclining on fluffy pillows with pipes perched in the corners of their jam-smeared mouths. In come the demands:
“Bring me my grape caterpillars!”
“You call that a spider sandwich?”
“WHEEEERE is my turtle apple?”
Okay, it’s me. I’m the one grumbling. You caught me.
But here’s how I see it. By using the powers of a paring knife to entice kids into TRYING something healthy, we’re that much closer to raising kids who simply EAT healthy. With NO complaining. No coercing. In fact, eventually, without any sailboats of any kind.
And it’s working.
The other day I made veggie-filled calzones and my five-year-old, a former carrot hater, couldn’t stop talking about all the “yummy carrots and yummy peppers and yummy spinach…” I’m not lying. Grumbling, sometimes. Lying, pretty much never.
We’ve been working our way through a number of healthy & cute foods for kids and this is another that I originally saw online elsewhere, and I’d do again. The boats are filled with Foodlets’ own white bean hummus with lemon, but you could use store-bought (just check the label for lots of unrecognizable fillers) or even cottage cheese.
And if the kids ask for a hummus bell pepper sailboat next time–instead of chips? No grumbling. Not even from me.
PS. Except if they really did start smoking. Then all bets are off.
Printbell pepper sailboats
This is the ratio for one boat. Multiply for the number of kids you want to feed.
- 1/2 mini bell pepper
- 2 tablespoons hummus
- 1/4–1/2 slice of cheese
- Cut a mini bell pepper in half, carefully removing the membranes and seeds but leaving the stem intact.
- Fill with hummus.
- Slice a piece of cheese diagonally and set in hummus.
- Let sit in the fridge for 5 minutes to set up before serving.
So cute! We have some kids coming for a playdate soon and these will be the official snack. Thanks for the idea.
Yum. I might switch it up and do cream cheese in the “boat” instead of hummus. That would probably work, right?