THIS WEEK I PREPPED 5 KID-FRIENDLY DINNERS IN 1 HOUR. It’s the first time I’ve tackled something so organized. What I learned from the whole crazy process is a whole other post, but this recipe for a meatless make-ahead dinner was one of them and it’s an unexpected keeper. Filed under It’s Always Gotta Be Something,…
10 Ways to Introduce Veggies to Veggie-Phobes
GETTING KIDS TO EAT MORE VEGGIES IS NOT EASY. We have four small kids. One of them is a baby and at that magical stage where she opens her mouth like a little bird as I drop in spoonfuls of veggies. It’s so satisfying. I give her food, she eats it. But the other three? They have opinions. The opinions of…
No-Bake Chocolate, Fruit & Nut Bars
WE’VE MADE A LOT OF THINGS LIKE THESE. Homemade Lara Bars, DIY Kind Bars, Oat & Chocolate Balls and more…but these are the easiest. And the least expensive. They’re also the lowest in sugar, without any sweetener at all. One more thing. They’re the yummiest too. The formula for these healthy no-bake bars is simple: 2 cups…
Make-Ahead Egg McMuffins, a Freeze & Serve Breakfast
JUST LIKE OUR 4 KIDS INSIST ON DINNER EVERY NIGHT, breakfast is practically the first word on their lips when they wake. Sure there’s cereal and oatmeal. We make one zillion muffins, rotate through our share of yogurt parfaits and smoothies but more often than not, it seems like we end up on toast. Enter the higher protein, all-you-do-is-heat-it-up…
7 Easy Cooking Projects for Kids
BECAUSE THERE ARE SEVERAL SMALL PEOPLE in my house, I usually stick to straightforward recipes. But every once in a while a recipe is so simple the kids can practically cook it themselves. Those are the best. Armed with aprons, patience and a few more tips for cooking with small kids, here are a few of…
Thumbs Up “All the Way to Heaven” Fish Stew
I’M JUST AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE. When I mentioned fish stew to my husband that afternoon, it was with this instruction, “So you might want to go to the store and get yourself some burritos or something.” He’s not a fish person. That much I knew. Then, bracing myself for a round of complaints, I…
Cheeseburger Hand Pies with Puff Pastry
Cheeseburger hand pies are what happens when you cross a juicy cheeseburger with a croissant. AMAZING. Cheeseburger Hand Pies are Perfect for Picky Eaters Also, if you’ve got picky eaters cheeseburger hand pies are for you. One of the (bazillion) lessons I’ve learned about feeding my tribe is about spin-offs. Keep your eyes open for…
A Heart-Shaped Strawberries, Cheese & Crackers Board 3 (Easy) Ways: Healthy Valentine’s Day Snacks for Kids
I WARNED YOU. If you follow Foodlets on Facebook (and I hope you do), you’ll see that I posted a strawberry, cheese & crackers board for Valentine’s Day…and vowed to do it again. Here’s the first one. But first, one quick note about the ups and downs of fresh strawberries. It’s not strawberry season in…
Make-Ahead Sweet Potato “Cottage Pie” with Ground Beef (and Why It Isn’t Shepherd’s Pie)
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN shepherd’s pie and cottage pie? Lamb. This is what I just learned from Food 52. Shepherd’s pie is traditionally made with lamb, which makes sense when you think of a shepherd’s job. Cottage pie, however, is made with ground beef. That’s what we used here when we made our own even simpler version….
Say It with Strawberries (and Cheese): A Fresh Valentine’s Day Treat for Kids
YOU COULD SAY IT WITH CHOCOLATE. Or smoothies. Even tiny cream puffs would be sweet. But today’s treat is a little healthier, a lot heartier and a great choice to bring to school as well. We used Mini Triscuits which I learned a while ago have two ingredients: wheat and salt. (Ditto for regular Triscuits, of…